Learn & Play the Moocow Way!


For over twenty years we have been providing exciting ways to learn

Listening to and participating in music and movement stimulates a child’s senses, enhances their language development, improves social interaction, encourages self-expression and builds confidence. We welcome children with special needs and are committed to creating an inclusive and
supportive learning environment. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to
participate and benefit from our classes.

Click below to check all our Montessori-based activities, or contact us if you would like to know more.

‘Play in the early years forges essential neural pathways, impacting future growth and learning.’

The Montessori-based design of the Molly Moocow curriculum focuses on and supports the specific developmental milestone relevant to your child’s age; from the sensory explorations of young babies to the more sophisticated imaginary play of the older toddler. Each program level incorporates fundamental, engaging activities that help to build your child’s cognitive, social and physical skills.

We are committed to maximising the learning experiences of all Molly Moocow’s little people, using formats that are fresh and fun for both parent and child.

language developement

Studies have shown that exposing children to music from an early age can help them learn more and remember what they learn. Music and language have many things in common and work well together to enhance children’s development.

motor skills

A motor skill is an action that involves the movement of muscles in your body. Gross motor skills are larger movements involving the arm, leg, or feet muscles or the entire body. Fine motor skills are those smaller actions like picking things up between the thumb and finger.

listening skills

Participating in action songs builds listening skills, which are critical for learning. A lot of the activities that we
incorporate into the Molly Moocow curriculum are designed to help our little ones learn to listen and follow directions which set a precedent for future educational situations.

molly moocow

Spend time with Molly

Molly Moocow provides a vibrant theme based curriculum that includes music, movement, singing, drama, stories and role play. New classes are starting all the time, so click below to join the fun today by booking your trial!

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    On 23rd April 2023, Kate ran the London Marathon to celebrate Molly Moocow turning 20. She managed to achieve her goal of running the whole way and raised…

Meet our talented, energetic teachers!

Molly Moocow Team

We think Molly is pretty great…

…But don’t just take our word for it!